Friday, April 26, 2013

Last Week of Class

The semester is rapidly coming to an end and with it so is our time in English 102. This semester I really enjoyed class with Sweeney and all of my classmates. I felt they all taught me a lot of new things and we had plenty of experiences. This week in class we peer reviewed our drafts for the final paper. Although my draft was fully completed I was able to get some key feedback from some of my classmates. Hopefully I will be able to use the comments to reconstruct my paper and receive a decent grade. Overall I enjoyed my time in Sweeney's class I wish all English would teach more Sweeney.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Last week in class we played the game Taboo. It was a lot of fun for me and I imagine the entire class. It was a nice change and escape from doing regular class work. I was able to help lead my team to a tie game, even though i still think we should have won. Overall it was a fun class period and I think we should more activities like that in Sweeney's class.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Guest Speaker

Last week in class we had a guest speaker come and talk with the class about a organization that he is launching called GESA that would allow student at 2-year colleges to travel and study abroad. I was kind of neglectful at first but once he mentioned traveling and seeing the world while receiving an education drew my attention. The program seems to hopefully be able to offer a lot to students here at Richard Bland and other 2-year colleges.