Friday, March 22, 2013

The Glass Menagerie

When we first started watching The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, I did not think I would enjoy it. It took me a while but i began to enjoy the movie. In the movie a mother her two children live in a little apartment. She lives here with her son Tom, and her daughter Laura. The mother Amanda, is quite annoying and always seems to be nagging at her children especially Tom. Tom puts up with his mother's behavior but he has had enough and is ready to leave his family behind although they are unaware of his intentions. Laura is a shy girl who is somewhat handicapped, she spends most of her time tending to her glass figurines. Amanda wishes the best for her children and she wants Tom to find a man for Laura whom she could marry and live comfortably with. Tom finds a man for Laura and invites him over for dinner where the two share a romantic moments but is cut short when he informs Laura that he is engaged.

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